divendres, 9 de maig del 2014

Mani the compassionate moon god plays a flute as he walks, is patron of walkers and travellers and protector of children.  He is calm and thoughtful, and governs calendars, mathematics and rational thought.  He prefers a slower pace to his sister the sun goddess, as his chariot is drawn by large dogs instead of horses.  Before him rides Nott, a goddess on a black horse with dew dripping from its bit.  Mani is much more interested in the world of humans than his sister Sunna, and often stops and watches, sometimes even interfering.  If he lingers too long, the two wolf-brothers will chase him back to his path across the skies.  What might Mani be noticing about the Viking ship at night?  What happens?  Tell us more!
Image:  MMB Exhibition:  Beyond the Vikings

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